Over the past years I have done a couple of talks, from small user group gatherings to large-scale audience at international conferences.

Here are a few highlights so far:

Upcoming Activities





  • Workshop (5 days): Advanced C# and .NET 6, December
  • DevFest Mauritius 2022, GDG Mauritius, 10th December
    Google Cloud (Keynote)
    Confirm your Knowledge with a Certification
  • Developers Conference Mauritius, 22-24th November
    Running SQL Server on GCP
    Develop .NET apps for GCP
  • Workshop (4 days): Entity Framework and Entity Framework Core, November
  • Workshop (5 days): Introduction to SQL Server, November
  • DevFest Nairobi 2022, Kenya, 5th November
    Space Debrief: Cloud (Keynote)
    Confirm your Knowledge with a Certification
  • Workshop (5 days): Introduction to C# and .NET, October
  • Startup Mentoring Sessions, CcHub Design Lab, Kigali, Rwanda, 22nd September
  • Mentorship: Google Africa Developer Scholarship (GADS) 2022, Andela, June-December
  • Deploying Applications on GCP, GDSC Middlesex University, Mauritius, 3rd February


  • Workshop (2 days): ASP.NET Core, October
  • Workshop (5 days): Introduction to C# and .NET, October
  • Workshop (5 days): Introduction to SQL Server, October
  • Workshop (10 days): Basic C# and .NET for Testers / QAs, September










No public speaking engagements.

This is due to my work assignment and move to Mauritius. During those six years I had been busy super-vising several development teams and managing communications with project managers back in Germany. I had to deal with financial constraints caused by the Chapter 11 of my then employer. And, I found my soulmate, started a life together and brought two amazing children into this utterly weird world.

Inspiration, or better said the final push, to pick up my previous passion to run an IT-focused user group happened during the Open Days / Windows 8 event at Domaine Les Pailles in Mauritius while speaking to Arnaud Meslier, back then Technical Evangelist - Indian Ocean Islands and French Pacific at Microsoft.


  • LOVE - Launch Office 2007, Windows Vista und Exchange 2007 Roadshow, Stuttgart, Germany, 4th December
    Ask The Experts (ATE)
  • Nachlese zur VFP Devcon, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 15th November
  • German Visual FoxPro Developer Conference 2006, Frankfurt, Germany, 9-11th November
    CLR Host für Visual FoxPro
    NET4COM und ComProxyForNet
    Active FoxPro Pages
  • Testen, Debuggen und Analysieren von VFP Anwendungen, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 18th October
    Testen mit FoxUnit
    VFP Debugger effektiv nutzen
    Coverage Profiler
  • Workshop (3 days): Acodey - Components Library, 13-15th September
  • Workshop (3 days): Active FoxPro Pages, 6th-8th September
  • Microsoft Zertifizierung - MCP-Test und andere, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 19th July
  • VFP mit IntelliSense erweitern, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 17th May
    Active FoxPro Pages
  • Dynamic-Link Libraries, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 19th April
  • Wie nutzt man DLLs im Allgemeinen?, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 15th March
    Design Pattern: Proxy
  • CeBIT, Hannover, Germany, March
    Exhibitor ProLib Software/Tools - Active FoxPro Pages
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Neue Features und Verbesserungen, dFPUG Herrenberg/Stuttgart, Germany, February
  • SQL Server 2005 und SQLPass Rhein/Neckar, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 15th February
  • Ready to Rock the Launch (Sie sind da!), Microsoft Product Launch, Karlsruhe, Germany, 8-9th February
    Ask The Experts (ATE) - SQL Server 2005


  • PostgreSQL 8.0, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 16th November
    Design Pattern: Adapter
  • German Visual FoxPro Developer Conference 2005, Frankfurt, Germany
    Versionskontrolle mit Subversion
    Linux Transfer, Aktueller Stand Multi-Plattform
    Reguläre Ausdrücke in VFP (und .NET)
    Geiz ist geil - kostenfreie Tools für Entwickler
    XML - Einführung und Überblick
    XSLT - Konvertieren leicht gemacht
  • Reguläre Ausdrücke in VFP, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 21st September
    Design Pattern: Zuständigkeitskette (neudt. Chain Of Responsibility)
  • Versionskontrolle mit Subversion, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 17th August
    Design Pattern: Strategie
  • Additive Datenbanken zu Visual FoxPro, dFPUG Herrenberg/Stuttgart, Germany, 15th July
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Neue Features und Verbesserungen, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, July
  • .NET Usergroup Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 4th July
    Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Neue Features und Verbesserungen
  • Sie kennen Lego™? - Bausteine in Software, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, June
  • MSDN Webcast: Visual Studio 2005 mit Visual FoxPro, Microsoft, Germany, May
  • Blob, Varchar, Binary - Feldtypen in Visual FoxPro 9.0, dFPUG Speyer, March
  • XML – Aufbau, Sinn und Zweck - Nutzbarkeit in VFP, dFPUG Speyer, February


  • VFP Anwendungen vertreiben - Windows Installer, dFPUG Speyer, December
  • German Visual FoxPro Developer Conference 2004, Frankfurt, Germany, November
    Active FoxPro Pages (two sessions)
    Visual FoxPro 9.0 und Linux
    Additive Datenbanken zu Visual FoxPro
  • Active FoxPro Pages, dFPUG Herrenberg/Stuttgart, Germany, 15th October
  • Business Objects, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, 20th October
  • Additive Datenbanken zu Visual FoxPro, dFPUG Speyer, Germany, August
  • Visual FoxPro 9.0 Beta - Features und Highlights, dFPUG Speyer, June



  • German Visual FoxPro Developer Conference 2002, Frankfurt, Germany
    Active FoxPro Pages (vendor session)

Are you interested in having me present for your event?

Below is a list of my current and past sessions in English and German language. Contact me over here if one of these might be a good fit for your user group, your conference, or your online virtual chapter.

I usually try and align speaking events so that I can either do other talks or commercial workshops at the same time, particularly when international travel is involved.