Recension FoxTales: Behind the Scenes at Fox Software by Kerry Nietz Flash backs from the past! It's truely amazing to discover that software development from freshman to senior and project management hasn't changed that much.
Recension The Niantic Project: Ingress by Felicia Hajra-Lee Originally titled 'An Exotic Matter' Felicia Hajra-Lee got the offer to publish her novella under the title of 'The Niantic Project: Ingress'. Here is my review...
General Test your internet connection - Emtel Mobile Internet From time to time you should check the speed of your internet connection. Here are my observations on Emtel Mobile Internet.
General Test your internet connection - Emtel Fixed Broadband From time to time you should check the speed of your internet connection. Here are my observations on a symmetric WiMAX provided by Emtel Ltd.
Community Communities - The importance of exchange and discussion The Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community was founded based on the necessity to have a strong off-line and on-line community in Mauritius.
Android Pantel Penta WS802C (aka The white Orange tablet) {vsig}ws802c{/vsig} Already last year, Orange Mauritius introduced two affordable tablets (price tags: Rs. 2,999.- and 5,999.-) for every household at the Infotech 2012. So the vision at
Linux VMware Kernel Module Updater hangs on Ubuntu 13.04 Usually, the dialog of VMware Kernel Module Updater pops up, asks for root access authentication, and completes the compilation. In theory this is supposed to work flawlessly but in reality there are pitfalls occassionally.
Recension Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - All you need in one title Since the release of Windows 8 it should be obvious to any Windows software developer that there are new ways to develop, deploy and market applications for a broader audience. Kraig covers all facets of modern Windows 8 app development.
Recension Learning from jQuery - Solid fundament for experienced jQuery developers Callum's style of writing is clear and the numerous code samples used to emphasize the various techniques are good ones and easy to understand. JavaScript is clearly a mature language and certain requirements are simply done this way. And Callum explains the nuts and bolts of JavaScript very well.
Development Essentials for software developer or any computer job A couple of abilities are essential to any software developer. It is compulsory to get those ones right.
Linux Upgrade to Xubuntu 13.04 - Raring Ringtail Upgrading your Xubuntu machine from release 12.10 to 13.04 is straight-forward and takes a few steps only. Upgrade today!
iOS Side-load and read your mobi ebooks on Kindle for iOS Easily sideload your own book titles to your Kindle for iPad app, not only titles from the Amazon shop.