Linux Upgrade to Xubuntu 13.04 - Raring Ringtail Upgrading your Xubuntu machine from release 12.10 to 13.04 is straight-forward and takes a few steps only. Upgrade today!
Linux VMware Player 5.0 or VMware Workstation 9.0 after upgrade to Ubuntu 12.10 Patching kernel 3.5.0 in Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) to get VMware Player 5.x and VMware Workstation 9.x running.
Linux And again... VMware Player 4.0.4 on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) Even with the new version of VMware Player 4.0.4 you are still required to patch their sources. So, same game as last month.
Linux Update kernel patch for VMware Player 4.0.3 Modifying the patch for VMware Player 4.0.2 to use it against Player 4.0.3 is no serious issue, just change the version indicator and run it.
Linux Small hiccup with VMware Player after upgrading to Ubuntu 12.04 Comprehensive description to patch VMware Workstation 8 or Player 4 after upgrade of Ubuntu to 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)
Linux Using 3G/UMTS in Mauritius how to setup, configure and use 3G/UMTS connections on Linux here in Mauritius. Personally, I can only share my experience with Emtel Ltd. but try to give some clues about how to configure Orange as well.
Linux Using ext4 in VMware machine Using ext4 as journaling filesystem for your Linux server seems to be a good choice. But definitely not in a VMware virtual machine...
Linux Troubleshooting VMware on Ubuntu Summary of different problems while using VMware products on Ubuntu.
Linux Install Adobe AIR on Ubuntu/Linux Since quite some time Adobe Technologies released the Linux version of Adobe AIR to bring web applications and widgets to your desktop. Installing new applications on a Linux system is not always as easy as switching the computer on. The following instructions might be helpful to install Adobe AIR on any Linux system.
Linux Running VMware Server on Linux (version 1.0.6 on xubuntu) Running VMware Server on Linux (version 1.0.6 on xubuntu) After the last article about Running VMware Player on Linux I thought that it would be very nice to be able to create new and modify existing machines. Ergo, let's try the latest version of VMware Server on the same machine.
Linux Running VMware Player on Linux (xubuntu Hardy Heron) For developing purposes I installed VMware Player and therefore run virtual machines with Windows XP and Windows Vista. That's way more practical then a multiboot system.