Weitere Buchtitel zu VFP 9.0

Hoppla, ist doch wieder spannend zu sehen, was man über Mailinglisten erfährt:

Visual FoxPro 9 for Developers
Designed to help you rapidly build Visual FoxPro applications. Targeted to working software developers, we rapidly cover the basics of table design, SQL and xBase navigation. We build local views (VFP editable queries) for record editing. We quickly move into building a minimalist framework that can be used to build any size application. The material is very hands on.

Und es geht gleich weiter...
Website Programming: A User-Friendly Guide
Understand the ins and outs of developing a dynamic or e-commerce website. Go beyond HTML and create much more interactive websites. Whether you're a computer beginner or not, you'll get to know how to program a website in step-by-step fashion. You'll find out know how to use Visual Foxpro and COM with HTML,etc. to create a website with a database behind it. If you still didn't know, Visual Foxpro is one of the best and fastest applications when it comes to data processing. It is a compiled language unlike interpreted scripting languages like VBScript, ASP, ColdFusion and PHP which are slower. With the Visual Foxpro language and database, you can create just about any dynamic website you wish. And when you have web programming skills, you can have fun and also make money at the same time.

Cool, vor allem endlich wieder ein Verlag neben Hentzenwerke, der Bücher zu Visual FoxPro veröffentlicht.

Bis denne, JoKi