Using Microsoft InfoPath as blog frontend

Well, last night I found an very interesting source about how to use Microsoft InfoPath in a useful way. Actually I searched some information about tweaking the template of .Text blog - like this is…

Here's the URL - - I started and wow, this is tremendious. Actually this entire posting is written in a InfoPath template instead of using the web-based frontend in a browser. Cool, isn't it?
So, if you already have .NET Framework 1.1 and Microsoft InfoPath 2003 SP 1 (part of Microsoft Office 2003 xxx Edition) installed on your system. Try SimpleBlogger!

In the past I had some thoughts on InfoPath and what kind of applications it might be useable… According to the possibilities to Visual FoxPro. And, well SimpleBlogger is a fantastic and useful live sample. Okay, one might code this in VFP as well. But, hey, there's more than Visual FoxPro…

Sure, this InfoPath template is not too complex but I it gives me a new kind of view about consuming Web Services or Web applications in general. I'm going to analyse the whole template to get some ideas about the whole stuff and how InfoPath is actually working. One aspect of this template is that you can use it to blog offline and upload your entries later.

So, for now, I keep using InfoPath as a desktop frontend to the .Text blog software here in the Foxite community.