Transfer of articles from Foxite community

Finally, I got a little bit of time to transfer (some of) my blog articles from Foxite Community to this blog. As this blog is the main blog it should contain almost all content, or? This is part of the migration to complete this blog with all existing articles I wrote during the past. Funnily, I managed the approval of comments at Foxite directly afterwards. With the consequence that 91 out of 91 comments were spam and I just deleted the approval requests.

While working on the theme I added also some former elements like the 'About me' and 'Community' sections on the right sidebar. Additionally, I also added static content like my Curriculum Vitae and Presentations I held in the past. The section of my projects is coming in the near future. So stay tuned!

Anyways, back to work and to find a solution to convert the rest of my articles from a MySQL data storage to this blog software. Well, using Visual FoxPro this isn't really a problem... it's only a matter of choice to pick the appropiate solution.

Kind regards, JoKi