Switch to English language

Yeah, finally I switch to English language.

Starting in 2008 I write future articles in this blog in English language only. Well, maybe sometimes there will be also some German sentences but the main focus is on English, for sure. This is for several reasons...

First, more readers world wide are able to understand my entries without automatic translation services like BabelFish or Google Translation.
Second, it is a very good exercise to improve my own knowledge in English language. During my stay in Germany this winter I passed a test on English language.. Was funny, but the result showed also that there is still space to do it better. So, any comments about and corrections on my typos and grammar are welcome.
Third, there is no real blog software available that provides i18n support to write articles in multiple languages. At last, I didn't find any...
Fourth, just for fun... and fifth, why not?

The technical articles on software development in general and on .NET & Visual FoxPro in detail will be understandable for German readers as well. For 2008 are already a lot of things on my private list. Hopefully, I'll be able to give you more information and details than during the last couple of months.

Looking forward for your comments and suggestions, JoKi

Image credit: Matt Antonioli