More content for MCSDs: Web Applications and Windows Store Apps using HTML5

This article is a follow-up to Learning content for MCSDs: Web Applications and Windows Store Apps using HTML5 and I am going to focus a bit on learning material for the second exam 70-481 Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps using HTML5 and JavaScript.

Step by step towards MCSD

The general motivation is there, first exam 70-480 has been passed successfully, and there is more the queue during the upcoming weeks. Compared to exam 70-480 the second one doesn't offer so much credits but let's have a quick look at them:

Credit Toward Certification

Exam 70-481: Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps using HTML5 and JavaScript: counts as credit toward the following certification(s):

  • MCSD: Windows Store Apps using HTML5

As you can see, nothing special just consequent continuation.

Preparation and learning material this time

Frankly speaking, there isn't much to add in this case and the already referenced resources are still your best bet and bang for money (read: as good as free). I'll give you condensed summary of the ones I'm currently using:

The videos are actually great resources to get you up to speed, and on of the best options while you commute between home and work. Then intensify and deepen your knowledge with Kraig's book, and analyse and practice with the samples from codeShow(). This can't be wrong...

Don't be a lonely wolf: Start/join a learning group

Sorry but I repeat myself here...

The way you learn new things or intensify your knowledge in a certain technology is completely up to your personal preference. Back in my days at the university, we used to meet once or twice a week in a small quiet room to exchange our progress, questions and problems we ran into. In general, I recommend to any software craftsman to lift your butt and get out to exchange with other developers. Personally, I like this approach, as it gives you new points of view and an insight into others' own experience with certain techniques and how they managed to solve tricky issues. Just keep it relaxed and not too formal after all, and you might a have a good time away from your dull office desk. Give your machine a break, too.

Additional benefits for your employer or company

Just in case that either your employer or your own company is registered as Microsoft Partner I would like to mention that by passing the exams of this MSCD certification you are eligible for various competencies. Only by passing the exam 70-480 successfully my company IOS Indian Ocean Software Ltd. engaged to complete the following Silver competencies:

By achieving at least one Silver Competency your business or employer is eligible to upgrade to Microsoft Silver Partner which enables you to use their prestigious logos on your website and gives you access to exclusive member resources.