Goodbye 2013 - Welcome 2014

This time only some personal thoughts about what happened during 2013, and what might be an outlook in 2014...

Goodbye 2013

Quite frankly, 2013 turned out to be an interesting year with a number of challenges and positive activities after all. First of all, I finally managed to find enough spare time and founded the Mauritius Software Craftsmanship Community (MSCC), and within shortest time the number of members increased to more than 70 craftsmen and 200+ Likes on Facebook. Since the beginning we are organising 'Code & Coffee' meetups every Wednesday morning, and the success of our monthly meetings is increasing each time. I'm really proud of the achievement in this community.

Through the MSCC and with help of the Linux User Group Mauritius (LUGM), namely Ish Sookun, it was also possible to act as a speaker - twice - at the Infotech 2013 and the Linuxfest 2013. Each time I talked and demoed about how to run Windows applications on a Linux system. There are multiple options, decisions and solutions to go for...

Personally, I have to say that 2013 was way better than 2012. Working as a freelance software developer and running your own business comes with a good amount of liberty but for sure also with a big pack of responsibility and project work. It has been a great time and I was able to complete a good numbre of small to medium projects for customers all over the world. It's really interesting to work during odd hours sometimes in order to have a good conversation with a client in Australia or in the U.S.

And I was able to fulfill two of my last year's resolutions...

  • Write at least one blog article per week (on average)
  • Achieve platinum status on Microsoft Virtual Academy (MVA)

Yes, 2013 was good, and it is with pleasure to say 'Goodbye'.

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Welcome 2014

The list of tentative activities for this year is growing...
Although, it already started back in 2013, hopefully there will be great additions during the next couple of months.

Of course, I'm going to post about various issues from time to time.

So, please stay tuned and I wish 'A Happy New Year' to all my readers.