Geocaching - Casela Bird Park (GC1BPF1)

Usually on Saturdays, we are on tour somewhere here on the island and trying hard to kill our time until mummy is done with her customers. But today we, or better I decided to take the children on our first real treasure hunt. Of course, the kids were super-excited about this. Due to the lack of a real treasure map and proper pirate outfit, I explained them that in modern times hunters are equipped with modern tools. What better to use than a tablet these days?

So, the spark of excitement has been lit and off we went to one of our favourite locations on the island. Same like last Saturday, we checked out the playground first, then it was time for serious 'business'...

Using the Geocaching client c:geo I got the coordinates of the nearby hidden cache. It is approximately 125 meters away from the entrance towards the restaurant. Interestingly, we got on the wrong track first as we didn't take care of the altitude... We ended up above the cache and had to go almost all the way back to reach the lower path near the ponds. With the help of the integrated compass the children approached the hidden place with good accuracy and patience. They immediately realized when they got off the directions. Actually, it was very impressive for me to watch them handling the tablet, discussing the direction amongst them and using the compass needle to navigate.

As it was our first cache ever it wasn't clear what to expect but after all the micro cache is clearly to identify and the astonishment for both was high. There was even a coin in. Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out what the currency was. Maybe someone else can tell. Anyways, we left an item in the cache and the children took care of that it is well hidden again. Of course, as good modern pirates we made sure that no one else watched us...

Totally happy about their find we talked about future treasures here in Mauritius. I guess that this one wasn't the last one for sure. More reports coming up soon, too.