Exploring various SharePoint blogs

Quick summary on the activities I did yesterday - aka Day 4. Actually, it wasn't too much but I went through a number of articles on various blogs and online forums. Just for general purpose and to see whether my collection is going to have more entries. Well, so far I have to admit that the resources are good. Unfortunately, the blog of Doerfler is a little bit scarce. I went through it completely and there wasn't too much interesting information (yet) but this particular entry is worth mentioning:

Taking into consideration that there haven't been any new entries since November 2012 I would say that the blog is dormant. It would be great to have new entries in the future...

My first (baby) steps in the following SharePoint communities are only scratching the surface, and I'm really looking forward to dig deeper. There seems to be a lot of valuable information available:

I think that I already found a true gem over there which is going to give me some extra time: How to begin learning SharePoint (for beginners) - Great overview and link collection Mark Jones. Interestingly, I already discovered a couple of his entries, like the video tutorials by Andrew Connell.