AngularJS by Brad Green and Shyam Seshadri - Some lack of quality

New year, new review...Thanks to O'Reilly blogger review programme I had a chance to put my hands on their title on AngularJS by Brad Green and Shyam Seshadri.

This time, a quick and crisp review as published on Amazon:

Some lack of quality

I spent quite some time with this book title from O'Reilly. First, it's an interesting topic and second, I got the 'Early Release' version and later then the full version of the book. Personally, I think the book could have been a good start for beginners but I have to admit that while digging deeper into the chapters I got more and more confused about the actual learning goal. Yes, the general overview on AngularJS is easy to follow and helps to understand how AngularJS is organised.

But then somewhere around half way through it's getting more and more tough to actually 'get' the authors' intention. Additionally, the code samples are getting off-track and quite often there syntactical errors in the code samples. Given the fact that modern JavaScript development, which includes AngularJS, is fast-paced and dynamic I was kind of surprised by this lack of quality.

This title leaves some mixed feelings on my opinion.
Would I recommend it to someone else to read? - It depends on the level of knowledge the other person might already have with AngularJS, HTML5 and JSON.

Quite frankly, I read very well into the first couple of chapters but then it got 'chewy'. From time to time it took me quite some motivation to continue to read. Nonetheless, the book title is nice addition on my digital bookshelf and I might use it as a reference in future cases.